On Monday, June 3, we will officially open in our new location, 424 E. Mound Street, Circleville. Our phone number (740-474-7529) remains the same. We are still working to get o...
The Pickaway County ESC will be closed to the public May 27-June 1 and re-open on June 3 in our new location, 424 E. Mound Street, Circleville. The public entrance will be the do...
Looking to catch up on credits or delve deeper into subjects you're passionate about? Look no further! Your local Educational Service Center is running a free month-long Credit Re...
Pickaway County ESC is proud to partner with Ohio Christian University and Ross-Pike ESC to offer several opportunities for teacher professional development this summer. See the ...
Position Type: Driving School Instructor Date Posted: February 12, 2024 Deadline for Applications: March 8, 2024 Anticipated Position Start Date: May 28, 2024 Location: Neff Inter...
Pickaway County ESC hosted a Substitute Recruitment Fair for anyone that was interested in learning more about being a substitute teacher and substitute aide on Monday, December 1...
Pickaway County ESC would like to congratulate Makayla Martin on receiving the OSSPEAC Barbara J. Conrad Fellowship Grant. Makayla is the very first recipient of this grant. The...
Pickaway County ESC is seeking a highly motivated individual to join our speech therapy team! Appropriate licensure and a background check is required. Please contact Tom Kitche...
COLUMBUS, Ohio ( Oct . 18 , 2023 ) – Pickaway County ESC will be awarded $5,000 to expand STEM learning projects through Ohio STEM Learning Network Classroom Grant Prog...
Pickaway County ESC will be participating in the Blessings in a Backpack Food Drive . We will collect food from October 1 through October 31st. ESC staff can drop off food or a...
Pickaway Works has organized a College and Career Night with over 100 colleges and employers attending. It will be September 28, 2023 from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Circleville High Schoo...
Superintendent Tom Kitchen and the Pickaway ESC Governing Board had the privilege of recognizing the ESC's 21st Century Grant writing team of Lisa Heins, Jill Riddle, Sherry Kneec...
The Pickaway County ESC has been awarded a 21st Century Grant from the Ohio Department of Education. As part of this grant, the ESC is hiring a grant coordinator and a grant tuto...
After nearly a half-century serving Pickaway County students and schools, Ty Ankrom is retiring from the Pickaway County Educational Service Center where he has been superintenden...
Many see graduation as the completion of high school. For Carli Hutchison, it is but one step toward her future as a history teacher to the next generation of high school students...
Speech-language pathologist (SLP) Jenni Cheek has been appointed to the OSSPEAC Board as the liaison between the Ohio School SLP/AUD Supervisory Network and OSSPEAC.
ESC Superintendent Ty Ankrom delivered a commencement address Friday to 10 students who completed high school while at the Circleville Juvenile Correctional Facility. The text of...
Jenni Cheek and Brandy Fraley, Pickaway County ESC speech-language pathologists (SLP), presented at the OSSPEAC Community of Practice session this month.
About 30 people — spee...