Drivers Ed

Contact: Kevin Fox,, 740-474-7529
Pickaway County ESC receives CODE grant:
Governor DeWine Announces $4.5 Million in Grants to Increase Driver Training Options for Teens
What does the grant provide:
The grant dollars provided by the CODE Grant opportunity will be used by Neff Interstate Driving School to purchase, employ, or fund the following:
Purchase 4 additional cars to serve 4 high schools (Logan Elm HS, Circleville HS, Westfall HS, Teays Valley HS), 1 career center (Pickaway Ross Career and Technical Center), and 1 alternative school (Pickaway County Educational Service Center Academy) and approximately 220 students.
Retrofit 4 additional cars to meet section 4501-7-14 of the Ohio Administrative Code (e.g. dual control and rearview mirror installation).
Purchase state-required student driver decals for four cars.
Pay for instructor candidate training compensation for 4 new instructors.
Pay for background checks for up to 4 new trained instructors and administrators.
Partial pay toward two administrators known as the Driver Education Administrators to set up and coordinate the program across 4 high schools, 1 career center, and 1 alternative school ($10 per hour for each administrator).
Partial pay toward the driver education licensed driving instructor salaries ($10 per 4 trained instructors).
Partial pay toward the driving mentor salaries ($10 per hour for 2 mentors).
Pay for an online course that meets the required 24 hours on class instruction . (Contact school administration for details.)
Additional resources:
Pickaway County Health Department receives Drive to Succeed Grant:
Contact: Betsy McGraw, or 740-477-9667 ext. 383