Mission statement:
The Pickaway County Educational Service Center is an innovative leader providing high-quality services for schools and families by facilitating and partnering on initiatives with agencies that provide support for the whole child.
All four Pickaway County school districts – Circleville , Logan Elm, Teays Valley and Westfall – receive services from the ESC.
Circleville City School District, Logan Elm, Teays Valley & Westfall local school districts, Pickaway County Board of DD, Pickaway County Family and Children First Council, Pickaway Pathways, Pickaway-Ross CTC, Pickaway WORKS
By partnering with the ESC to provide school psychologists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, adapted PE and behavior specialists, Pickaway County’s school districts saved $520,386 in 2019.
Pickaway County ESC has been designated a high-performing ESC every year since the designation was introduced in 2016.
Circleville City Schools
Logan Elm Local Schools
Teays Valley Local Schools
Westfall Local Schools
Pickaway County DD
Pathways Academy
Pickaway-Ross CTC